Hi all, 

Thought I'd give up waiting for the ISO's to be released and do a
network install, but no go.

Yes, PNP is turned off in the BIOS, if that matters in this case.

Anyway, boots from the floppy fine, choose FTP, then DHCP, identifies
the network card correctly, then when it tries to bring up networking, I
get "Signal 11, exiting."

The logs (alt-F3) show that the machine got the correct info from my
DHCP server and loaded the driver for the net card successfully, shows
no errors at all (?)

Any idea what in tarnation is goin' wrong?


BTW, if anyone can point me to an FTP with the ISO's, I'd reeeealllly
appreciate it, save me this hassle.

HaywireMac ++ ICQ # 279518458
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