try joining the spamassassin user's list and asking about tuning.

On Mon, 2003-11-10 at 11:27, Praedor Atrebates wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> OK, this really irritates me.  I have the latest spamassassin.  It is running 
> in daemon mode.  I have procmail setup to /dev/null anything that is 
> identified as spam.  I have trained the Bayesian filter (supposedly) to 
> identify certain messages as spam...BUT THEY KEEP GETTING THROUGH!
> These are tricky html or other type of spam, they are plain text.  Generally 
> they are viagra messages.  The one that really galls me is one that uses the 
> name "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" or "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" instead of the actual proper 
> spelling.  
> Nonetheless, this shouldn't matter...or so one would think.  
> I have now run "sa-learn --spam --dir Mail/Spam/cur" twice on this message.  
> It comes back saying it "learned" from the message.  About 10 minutes later 
> that damn message is back and spamassassin let it come right through.  
> What the hell?  I REALLY want to nuke the computer from which this comes.  I 
> was doing so well there with nary a spam for weeks getting through, then 
> something inane and seemingly simple like this gets through inspite of 
> "teaching" spamassassin to recognize it as crap.
> Since spamassassin appears to be falling down on the job, what would be a nice 
> generic procmail recipe that would recognize EITHER iteration of viagra 
> spelling (in the body or subject) and pass it, no pass go, to /dev/null?  I 
> never ever ever want to see another damn viagra message of any kind ever 
> again.  
> Thank you for any aid in this endeavor.
> praedor
> - -- 
> "Our ship is in the hands of pilots who are steering directly under full sail 
> for a rock.  The whole crew may see this course to violate our liberties in 
> full view if they look the right way."
> - --Samuel Adams, 1771
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> =PDDb
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