On Tue, 2003-11-11 at 11:57, Jack Coates wrote:

> no it isn't, that's the control panel applet, which happens to start
> gpilotd for you if it isn't already running. Just run gpilotd from a
> startup script.

Ok, if I do 'which gpilotd' it's nowhere to be found.  If I do 'gpilotd'
from the command, I get --bash command not found.  In fact, if you do
'gpil<tab>' you get:

gpilotd-control-applet   gpilotd-session-wrapper  gpilot-install-file

The actual 'gpilotd' seems to be buried somewhere.  I tried doing 'vi
gpilotd-control-applet' just to see if I could see what is happening,
but it wasn't very helpful for me.

> you're lucky that it works at all, gnome-pilot is one finicky pile of
> junk -- er, fine piece of software. :-)


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