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I have not seen this message before ("Cannot open bayes_path...") and have no 
idea what it means.  As far as I can tell my setup is OK.  

syslog excerpt:

Nov 13 08:53:45 lapdog spamd[3101]: Cannot open bayes_path 
/home/praedor/.spamassassin/bayes R/O:
Nov 13 08:53:45 lapdog spamd[3101]: processing message 
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> for praedor:501.
Nov 13 08:53:46 lapdog spamd[3101]: clean message (-99.2/5.0) for praedor:501 
in 1.0 seconds, 1202 bytes.
I installed MDK 9.2 over my 9.1 install two days ago.  I left /home untouched, 
including my .spamassassin dir and its contents.  I am now running the very 
same version of spamassassin as I was before the upgrade so there can be no 
change there.  

What does this mean?  I also don't see any indications that procmail is doing 
anything.  I usually would see some sort of indication in my logs that 
procmail was dealing with each message as it came in.  Now there is no 
indication at all that procmail is working.  I have the same .procmailrc that 
worked with 9.1 as I have now.  Where do I look to ensure procmail is used?  
Isn't it in postfix's main.cf?

- -- 
"Our ship is in the hands of pilots who are steering directly under full sail 
for a rock.  The whole crew may see this course to violate our liberties in 
full view if they look the right way."
- --Samuel Adams, 1771
Version: GnuPG v1.2.3 (GNU/Linux)


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