To move a partition is a piece of cake. :-P

In your fstab you will see something like this (I use reiserfs everywhere):

#for your /
/dev/hda1 / reiserfs notail 1 1 #hda1 is my root - see what's yours

#for your /usr
/dev/hdc1 /usr reiserfs notail 1 2

So what you have to do is:

1. become root

2. go to single-user mode: 
# init 1

3. unmount /usr partition:
# umount /usr
and check if /usr directury is now empty
# ls /usr

4. mount /dev/hdc1 to temporary location:
# mkdir /mnt/usr
# mount /dev/hdc1 /mnt/usr

5. now your /usr directory points to / partition instead of /dev/hdc1 - so 
copy (recursively) all data from /mnt/tmp to /usr directory:
# cp -R /mnt/usr /

6. now you have all /usr partition on your / partition - exactly what you 
needed. go to /mnt/usr and check if it is ok. now unmount /mnt/usr:
# umount /mnt/usr

7. go to runlevel 3 and checkout if you have what you wanted
# init 3

8. remove the line from fstab that mounts /dev/hdc1 to /usr - you don't need 
it anymore.

That's all. Good luck!


Adrian Golumbovici wrote:
> Hi all,
> Have another prob and couldn't find any answer yet. On my firewall I have a
> 3 hdds and /usr is on hdc1. Now hdc1 is a 3.2 GB hdd and started to fill
> up. Since I have lots of space on the main drive where / is, I wanted to
> move /usr to be one of the "normal" directories on the / partitions.
> Unfortunatelly most howtos on the net refer to moving from a hdd to
> another. I don't want to have a separate partition for /usr, but merely to
> move it inside the partition where / is (so where it would have been if I
> didn't have the wonderfull idea of putting it on a small separate
> drive...). Any fast painless way to do it? I am pretty new to fstab and
> mtab. I messed with them a couple of mdk versions ago, but was more like
> "messed them up and had to reinstall". :)
> Best regards,
> Adrian

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