Hi Brandon,

Thanks. But how do I handle cases like host connection failures etc? I
don't have control over returning that information from task function.


On Thu 17 May, 2018, 20:56 Brandon Whaley, <redkr...@gmail.com> wrote:

> You need to have your worker function catch any exceptions (
> https://github.com/fabric/fabric/blob/1.14/fabric/exceptions.py) and
> evaluate success/failure, then return a value useful to you in determining
> if your task was successful.  Returning "None" for failure modes is
> something I've done before.
> On Thu, May 17, 2018 at 11:15 AM Abhijeet Rastogi <abhijeet.1...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> Anyone? I was hoping if someone can help me with this.
>> On Wed, May 16, 2018 at 9:03 PM Abhijeet Rastogi <abhijeet.1...@gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>>> Hi everyone,
>>> Let's suppose I have a simple code like this.
>>> from fabric.api import run, env, execute
>>> from fabric import state
>>> env.use_ssh_config = True
>>> env.parallel = True
>>> hosts = ['success.host', 'failure.host']
>>> def get_uptime():
>>>     output = run("uptime")
>>>     return output
>>> collected_output = execute(get_uptime, hosts=hosts)
>>> for host, output in collected_output.iteritems():
>>>     if output is not None:
>>>         print("{0}:\n{1}".format(host, output))
>>> How do I continue my execution of code beyond execute method invocation
>>> to print successful hosts output and also give a summary of failed hosts?
>>> I don't want to fabric library to show warnings or exit code when that
>>> happens. I read about envenv.abort_exception but I'm not sure how to
>>> use that to do both things, capture output of successful tasks and show
>>> failed hosts as that exception doesn't have any arguments.
>>> Any help is appreciated
>>> --
>>> Cheers,
>>> Abhijeet Rastogi (shadyabhi)
>> --
>> Cheers,
>> Abhijeet Rastogi (shadyabhi)
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