Hi Jeremy,

As I understand it, alien.marshall converts a C struct into a Factor
tuple by copying the fields over into slots. Recently Joe pushed a
classes.struct vocabulary, which implements a nice sugar for defining
one-slot tuples that overload accessors to access fields of the
underlying struct. It also integrates with the alien.c-types
vocabulary so that struct objects can be passed as function parameters
and returned as values.

My plan is to eventually replace alien.structs (and C-STRUCT:) with
Joe's struct classes completely. They're superior to the current alien
structs because they're strongly typed (with current structs you just
pass a byte array around) and it uses 'new' accessors (instead of

I think if alien.marshall used classes.struct instead of doing its own
thing with structs, it could be a lot simpler, and still satisfy all
the use-cases you had in mind for the Qt binding -- for instance, you
can define methods on struct classes, etc. They even prettyprint and
have literal syntax.

In addition to structs, it looks like alien.marshall also has some
support for out parameters, and automatic memory allocation for
passing values by reference. Some of this might overlap with what
alien.fortran does for the Fortran ABI, where in effect all values are
passed by reference, and out parameters are frequently used to return
values. Also there are many places in the library that use this idiom
for out parameters:

0 <uint> [ "hi" 1 t some_c_function ] keep *uint

Ideally it would be encoded in the function prototype itself, and
malloced memory (with a destructor) would be used instead of a Factor
heap allocated <uint>. It would be great if we had a common support
for dealing with out parameters at the alien-invoke level, since all
of this could then use the same set of utilities, making such code
more robust and easier to write. Do you want to take a look at this at
some point?


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