Thanks, Joe.

If you look at the docs for CHAR: (
> ), it says CHAR: takes a literal character, an escape code, or a
> Unicode character name. «CHAR: space» is using the Unicode character
> name for the space character. The Unicode character data is read from
> basis/unicode/data/UnicodeData.txt when the Unicode library is compiled.

I had thought that almost every word was compiled by source that I'd find in
the USING: clause ( or recursively up).  Is this how the UnicodeData.txt is
loaded?  I tried calling space itself in listener, to no avail, now I see
CHAR: space works, which I didn't think of as possible unless it could
interpret 'space' itself.  "space" name>char-hook of course answers that.
I'll keep infix notation in mind in the future.

> ...
> That's how it used to be, but we've since implemented a more robust
> namespacing scheme documented in the article I linked you from my
> first email. Could you tell us where you read that from in the docs so
> we can update them?

I think it was from an archived newsgroup site.

> >     c) I read syntax << "alien.c-types" xxx >> would help, but can't
> > find that article now, and couldn't figure out exact syntax at the
> > time.
> Not sure where you got that from. << >> is just used for parse-time
> evaluation. Again, if you could point out where in the docs you read
> this so we can clarify it for future new users, that'd be helpful.

Again, archived newsgroups.  I may even have seen something like:  «FROM:
alien.c-types => short ;» and thought it was some usage of <<   >> rather
than a quotation device

> > 3)  Use of >r r>
> >     c) is there a better temp stack technique?
> The temporary stack in Factor has been relegated to an implementation
> detail. The dip combinators (
> ) are the preferred way in Factor for temporarily stashing values,
> since they enforce balanced use of the temporary stack and tend to be
> more readable.

Am favorably impressed with combinators, although they many of them aren't
easy yet.

The only typo I've found so far is in the IRC info, for which I was a noob,

"irc.ui" run  from

fails for the precompiled image I'm using.

Joe, are you involved with Crystal reports?

> -Joe
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