On 09/04/10 10:36, Henrik Huttunen wrote:
> For the lulz I created a simple jQuery interface for Factor-javascript
> interpreter.

Instead of using text/html as the type attribute of the script element 
why not use something like application/x-factor or someother factor-ish 
tag? You can then select based on this rather than the class.

As an example I do this with with my toy xy interpreter in JavaScript:


If you view the source of that page you'll see code like:

<script type="text/x-xy">
; pop           {  a                            } ;
; drop          pop ;
; dip           swap => / <= ;
; dup           {  a            \a \a           } ;
; swap          { [a b]         \b \a           } ;
; jump          { [a b]         \a \b \a        } ;

On page load I search for this blocks in:



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