Thanks very much!  I can't reproduce it yet, but am trying. One thing I
forgot to mention:  I can still interact with website in one browser while
factor itself has closed and task manager doesn't list any factor instances,
a vital fact... :)

On Sat, Jul 10, 2010 at 1:12 PM, Slava Pestov <> wrote:

> On Sat, Jul 10, 2010 at 2:25 PM, Jim mack <> wrote:
> > Thanks, Slava
> >
> > Would the responder then have a namespace in common among HTTP threads
> using
> > an explicit bind? Sure, thanks.
> That's one option, yes, or you can store the data in the responder
> directly. It takes a bit of boilerplate at the moment, perhaps at some
> point in the future it can be streamlined:
> TUPLE: my-web-app < dispatcher data ;
> : <my-web-app> ( -- responder )
>    my-web-app new-dispatcher
>        <blah-action> "blah" add-responder
>        ... ;
> M: my-web-app call-responder*
>    [ my-web-app set ] [ call-next-method ] bi ;
> Then your action can do
> my-web-app get data>>
> Of course you can name your slots anything, not just 'data'.
> > Mostly I was trying to take advantage of the 'look in a chain of assocs
> > until you find it' functionality, and thought I could do so with a
> > combination of make-assoc and bind fairly cheaply.  I had a list of
> general
> > replacements, and specific ones, and ones that change rapidly, and
> thought
> > that chaining would be 'better' than cloning & adding specifics each
> time.
> If you have a sequence of assocs, you can search for a key using the
> 'assoc-stack' word. This is the word that is used to implement 'get'.
> > The only odd problem I've had so far, that I don't have pinned down
> enough
> > to report, is that occasionally chrome and firefox on an xp box where I
> do
> > most development (day job) will clearly be interacting with a different
> > webserver.  Usually I've been in both, correctly interacting, then make
> some
> > change (or possibly have a crash).  I'll restart factor & the primary
> > browser (usually chrome) and it initializes properly, but the other
> browser
> > (usually ff), which was open all along, still retains the old in-mem
> data.
> > I can interact with it successfully, and it is clearly the version from
> > before the factor restart, but task manager does not list factor.  I can
> > even close all ff windows and restart ff and still have this happening,
> > although as I type that I realize I didn't check the task manager to make
> > sure some hidden ff process wasn't keeping it open.
> This sounds like a problem in http.server's handling of cache control
> headers. A couple of people have reported similar issues in the past
> on the Factor web site. Let me know if you find a test case.
> Slava
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