On Wed, Sep 21, 2011 at 9:45 AM, John Porubek <jporu...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I have libopenal1 installed on my Ubuntu 10.10 system. I checked in
> openal.factor and it's looking for "libopenal.so". My file is
> "libopenal.so.1", so I changed openal.factor to use this version. I
> also notice that openal.alut is used and alut.factor is looking for
> "libalut.so". My file is "libalut.so.0", so I changed alut.factor to
> use this version. From that point, the error messages pointed the way
> to entering the proper value for rom-root and now it works!

The '.so' versions of libraries are usually in '-dev' packages. So
you'd generally need a "apt-get install openal-dev' or similar to pick
them up. Glad you got it working!


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