
Do you happen to have a Radeon card? One of the libraries required by
Factor pulls in the OpenGL Mesa driver which shadows the Radeon driver.

You can make sure to load the binary Radeon driver:
LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/lib/fglrx ./factor

This should link to your Radeon driver and not Mesa:
ls -al /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libGL.so

See for more:

If this is not your issue, we can try to debug it.


On Fri, Sep 12, 2014 at 10:15 AM, John Porubek <jporu...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I have a problem that I don't believe is really a Factor problem but
> rather a problem with my desktop environment that only manifests
> itself (so far) when I try to open the Factor graphical listener.
> It used to work fine. Then, a while ago I was trying out various
> desktop environments (Unity, Gnome2, XFCE) and window managers (Ion3,
> PWM3, ScrotWM, Wmii, XMonad, Awesome and i3) and now I find that,
> regardless of which of these I use, I can't open the Factor graphical
> listener. When I try, I get a couple of transparent windows (error
> messages?) on top of the listener "shadow" window. I have to kill the
> process to close it (or ctrl-C from the command line. See below).
> "factor -r=listener" works fine from the command line. If I try to run
> the graphical listener from the command line, I get two duplicate
> error messages:
> "factor: swrast/s_renderbuffer.c:588: map_attachment: Assertion
> `srb->Map' failed."
> Does anyone have an idea about what's going on and how I can solve
> this problem or troubleshoot it further? I've tried both Björn's PPA
> version and a development release from early August with the same
> results.
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