While trying out the word each-file,  I bumped into presumably
a bug in

file-info ( path -- info )

Under linux,
if the path is a softlink (symbolic link),

path file-info symbolic-link?

gives 'f'   ---- and this is wrong.

I looked at the implementation of file-info
and saw that it calls file-status which in turn calls
The latter calls __xstat64  ---- this seems to be related to stat function.

Under linux, there are two functions that returns the stat-structure.
One is stat, the other lstat.
If a path is a symbolic link,
It is lstat that will return info about the link.


As a result of this 'bug',  the following (as suggested by John the other
could not do what is intended (to get the size of a folder).

0 a_path_to_folder t [ file-info dup symbolic-link? [ drop ] [ size>> + ]
if  ] each-file

--HP Wei
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