Hello, Jon!

  Thank you for the reply!

  I've looked through the documentation you suggested, and that's exactly what 
I need.

  I have a follow-up question regarding CHAR:. In the documentation there is a 
line in the Examples section:

  CHAR: exclamation-mark

  It works. However I can't seem to find the definition of the exclamation-mark 
word. I made a search in file contents, and it seems to only exist in the 
core\syntax\syntax-docs.factor, and in the factor.image files.

  Where does it come from? Because I'd like to see the full list of words 
available for use with CHAR:.


22.02.2016, 16:52, "Jon Harper" <jon.harpe...@gmail.com>:
> Hi,
> The exact answer would be
> http://docs.factorcode.org/content/article-literals.html , for
> example:
> CONSTANT: CR-char-code 13
> CONSTANT: LF-char-code 10
> { 13 13 10 10 } ${ CR-char-code } ${ LF-char-code } replace
> However, in this case you can also use the "CHAR:" parsing word
> { 13 13 10 10 } { CHAR: \r } { CHAR: \n } replace
> regards,
> Jon
> Jon
> On Mon, Feb 22, 2016 at 2:25 PM, Alexander Ilin <ajs...@yandex.ru> wrote:
>>  Hello!
>>    The following code works the way I want it to:
>>  { 13 13 10 10 } { 13 } { 10 } replace
>>  -> { 10 10 10 10 }
>>    But when I tried to use named constants, it no longer works:
>>  CONSTANT: CR-char-code 13
>>  CONSTANT: LF-char-code 10
>>  { 13 13 10 10 } { CR-char-code } { LF-char-code } replace
>>  -> { 13 13 10 10 }
>>    I realized, that probably the issue is that by constructing sequences 
>> with { } I somehow didn't give the words a chance to push their values 
>> instead of themselves.
>>    What would be the correct way to use named constants for such a use case?
>>  ---=====---
>>   Александр
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