Hello all.  I'm trying to rekludge together freebsd support for factor.  This 
has mostly involved trying to integrate some of the older commits that have it 
and using Kernigh's OpenBSD factor fork as a guideline.

I don't know if it'll be good enough for a pull request but it has been very 
helpful for a focused tour of the factor source code.  One issue I'm struggling 
with right now is trying to fix a problem that keeps popping up in the stage 2 
bootstrapping.  It compiles everything seemingly fine until it reaches the "io" 
component.  Then it gets to loading the "basis/unix/utilities/utilities.factor" 
before loading "bootstrap-error" and throwing the "die" word.

Now I'm not asking for anyone to take time out of their busy day to fix the 
issue for me,  but I am wondering how the general process should go.  In the 
data stack from this crash the only issue I can see in my novice eyes is a 
"source-files.errors:source-file-error T{ generic.single:no-method f 
io.backend.unix.multiplexers:remove-input-callbacks }"

But then why is failing at "utilities.factor" which doesn't include a reference 
to that word?  The method is definitely defined in multiplexers.factor so my 
first thought is the specialization of it in the freebsd 
multiplexers/kqueue.factor is what's screwing up.

My question seems to be thus,  if utilities.factor is the last file it has to 
load for the io group then it must be doing some computation after it loads all 
these files that's causing it to fail. Is there any way to see what it does 
with these files?   And likewise is there anyway to tell if a file somehow 
silently failed to load but the bootstrap kept going anyway;  mostly just for 
the sake of trying to figure out how to get more helpful information out of 
this process.

If these questions seem to strike you as the ramblings of a feeble newbie than 
please don't waste any time in passing this by;  I'll keep bashing my head 
against the keyboard until I "get it". :P
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