Hello all, 

I've been researching for a while about Windows Factor's inability to correctly 
render texts on 
transparent backgrounds. I haven't solved the problem yet, but I've just come 
to an idea. 
I'd be happy to hear your opinions on that.

For example, labels for button widgets are tentatively drawn with gray 
background text because 
they cannot draw labels with a transparent background. I disabled this behavior 
and tried to make 
transparent drawing work correctly, but only on a black background. I kept 
trying to figure 
out what was behind the black background, but I couldn't find the widget.

That's why I came up with the idea that Uniscribe works to make the background 
but where the characters are written is black. At first it seemed like a silly 
idea, but I wrote 
the code to confirm it.

USING: accessors alien.c-types alien.data colors images.viewer
io io.encodings.string io.encodings.utf16n io.styles kernel
literals math sequences ui ui.commands ui.gadgets
ui.gadgets.borders ui.gadgets.panes ui.gadgets.tracks
ui.gestures windows.gdi32 windows.offscreen windows.ole32
windows.types windows.usp10 locals fonts windows.fonts
windows.errors ;
IN: hello-uniscribe

! NOTE:  The following declaration is required in gdi32.factor
!        FUNCTION: int SetBkMode ( HDC hdc, int iBkMode )

TUPLE: hello-gadget < track ;

: <hello-gadget> ( -- gadget )
    horizontal hello-gadget new-track
        { { font-size 24 } } [
            "Hello" print
            "Grüß dich" print
            "здравствуйте" print
            "こんにちは" print
            "안녕하세요" print
            "שָׁלוֹם " print
        ] with-style
    ] make-pane { 10 10 } <border>
    f track-add ;

:: com-screen-shot ( gadget -- )
    [ :> dc
     gadget dim>> dc [ ] make-bitmap-image image-window        
    ] with-memory-dc ;

:: (com-screen-shot-with-text) ( dim bkMode uOptions -- )
    [ :> dc
      dim dc [         
          dc sans-serif-font cache-font SelectObject win32-error=0/f
          dc T{ rgba f 0.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 } color>RGB SetBkColor drop
          dc T{ rgba f 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 } color>RGB SetTextColor drop
          dc bkMode SetBkMode drop
          [ utf16n encode ] ! pString
          [ length ] bi ! cString
          dup 1.5 * 16 + >integer ! cGlyphs -- MSDN says this is "recommended 
          -1 ! iCharset -- Unicode
          0 ! iReqWidth
          f ! psControl
          f ! psState
          f ! piDx
          f ! pTabdef
          f ! pbInClass
          f void* <ref> ! pssa
          [ ScriptStringAnalyse ] keep
          [ check-ole32-error ] [ |ScriptStringFree void* deref ] bi*
          0 ! iX
          0 ! iY
          { 0 0 } dim <RECT>
          0 ! iMinSel
          0 ! iMaxSel
          FALSE ! fDisabled
          ScriptStringOut check-ole32-error    
      ] make-bitmap-image image-window        
    ] with-memory-dc ;

: com-screen-shot-with-text-opaque ( gadget -- )
    dim>> OPAQUE ETO_OPAQUE (com-screen-shot-with-text) ;

: com-screen-shot-with-text-transparent-1 ( gadget -- )
    dim>> OPAQUE 0 (com-screen-shot-with-text) ;

: com-screen-shot-with-text-transparent-2 ( gadget -- )
    dim>> TRANSPARENT ETO_OPAQUE (com-screen-shot-with-text) ;

: com-screen-shot-with-text-transparent-3 ( gadget -- )
    dim>> TRANSPARENT 0 (com-screen-shot-with-text) ;

hello-gadget "gestures" f {
    { T{ key-down { sym "1" } } com-screen-shot }
    { T{ key-down { sym "2" } } com-screen-shot-with-text-opaque }
    { T{ key-down { sym "3" } } com-screen-shot-with-text-transparent-1 }
    { T{ key-down { sym "4" } } com-screen-shot-with-text-transparent-2 }
    { T{ key-down { sym "5" } } com-screen-shot-with-text-transparent-3 }
} define-command-map

MAIN-WINDOW: hello-uniscribe { { title "გამარჯობა, uniscribe" } }
    <hello-gadget> >>gadgets ;

My understanding from reading Uniscribe.factor is that it renders characters in 
the device context 
given by with-memory-dc. However, if you create a bitmap from that dc, its 
background is black, 
regardless of the drawing on the current window.

My guess is that you won't be able to create an image of a string with a 
transparent background 
unless you transfer the original window bitmap to the device context created by 


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