Hello fellow Factor users.

Today, I finally became fed up with having to load the math.ranges
vocabulary in the listener every time I want to use a word like [a,b].
Especially since it needs to disambiguate with math.intervals and I have to
stop and think about which one to pick.

I was under the impression that simply going

    USE: math.ranges

Would save to the default image with math.ranges loaded, but when I exit
and start the listener up again, the change does not take.

I then figured that maybe I could save a custom image with

    "myimage.image" save-image

and indeed, it does save a file named myimage.image in the factor
directory. Then when I try to invoke factor like

    factor -i=myimage.image

it complains about not being able to locate the file.

I then figured I wouldn't mind waiting for vocabs to load and maybe I could
just try loading them in my .factor-rc or .factor-boot-rc, but that doesn't
work either. Any ideas on how I can get this to work? Thanks!
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