On Thu, Jun 25, 2015 at 3:59 PM, Lee Clemens <j...@leeclemens.net> wrote:

> On 06/24/2015 05:03 AM, Michael Grant wrote:
> > apache-fakegooglebot uses an ignore command in jail.conf as follows:
> >
> > [apache-fakegooglebot]
> >
> > port     = http,https
> > logpath  = %(apache_access_log)s
> > maxretry = 1
> > ignorecommand = %(ignorecommands_dir)s/apache-fakegooglebot <ip>
> >
> > This does seem to work however, in my logs this is what I see:
> >
> > 2015-06-24 04:41:39,255 fail2ban.action         [3210]: ERROR
>  /etc/fail2ban/filter.d/ignorecommands/apache-fakegooglebot --
> stdout: b''
> > 2015-06-24 04:41:39,288 fail2ban.action         [3210]: ERROR
>  /etc/fail2ban/filter.d/ignorecommands/apache-fakegooglebot --
> stderr: b''
> > 2015-06-24 04:41:39,419 fail2ban.action         [3210]: ERROR
>  /etc/fail2ban/filter.d/ignorecommands/apache-fakegooglebot --
> returned 1
> > 2015-06-24 04:41:40,205 fail2ban.action         [3210]: ERROR
>  /etc/fail2ban/filter.d/ignorecommands/apache-fakegooglebot --
> stdout: b''
> > 2015-06-24 04:41:40,221 fail2ban.action         [3210]: ERROR
>  /etc/fail2ban/filter.d/ignorecommands/apache-fakegooglebot --
> stderr: b''
> > 2015-06-24 04:41:40,360 fail2ban.action         [3210]: ERROR
>  /etc/fail2ban/filter.d/ignorecommands/apache-fakegooglebot --
> returned 1
> >
> > ... about 4 minutes later...
> >
> > 2015-06-24 04:45:37,398 fail2ban.actions        [3210]: NOTICE
> [apache-fakegooglebot] Ban
> > 2015-06-24 04:45:38,681 fail2ban.actions        [3210]: NOTICE
> [apache-fakegooglebot] Ban
> >
> > It appears that fail2ban sees the return code from the ignorecommand as
> an error, whereas it is correctly using this return code to know whether to
> ban this hit or not.  Initially I thought this might be a python 2 vs 3
> difference, now I'm not sure.
> Correct, the return code is how the action determines if it should be
> ignored. It uses the same function to execute other commands, which is why
> it is logged as an error with stdout and stderr (same as if an iptables
> command failed). If the ignorecommand returns 0, the line is ignored -
> similar to ignoreregex matching).
> The b'' output is a Python 3 difference, since stdout and stderr are bytes.

Ah ok I see why it's putting all this ERROR stuff in the log now.  I know
it's minor but is it possible to clean this up in the future?  I know this
might be a painful change but maybe instead of using the return code, how
about defining that ignore commands should return a number say 0 or 1.

Or here's another possible idea: Instead of an ignorecommand, what about a
postfilter command which is given arguments like the ignorecomand but
returns a list of addresses or address/masks to ban, one per line?  This
way, it could return nothing and have the same effect as the
ignorecommand.  It could also return multiple addresses if it wanted to
(for example the corresponding a net block of ipv4 addresses or an ip6
address block...nudge nudge).  This would get around overloading the error
code for ignorecommand and allow you to return a true error if the
postfilter command really failed.

> >
> > Secondly, why does it take about 4 minutes before the actual ban
> happens?  I also don't see any FOUND line for these events.
> I haven't see it take longer than half a second or so looking at my logs.
> I tried looking up the two IPs you provided as well and they returned in
> under 0.1s. It is performing a DNS lookup, so if that takes a long time it
> would cause a delay in the action. It may be useful to see what else was
> going on during those 4 minutes (any other ignorecommands being run?, etc)
> or overall network and system load.
> Does it take long to run the ignorecommand manually?

$ time /etc/fail2ban/filter.d/ignorecommands/apache-fakegooglebot

real    0m0.263s
user    0m0.063s
sys     0m0.037s

$ echo $?

Something else is going on here.  I am wondering if this is thread
related.  I do have large logs and I have bantime and failtime set
to 7776000 (90 days).

I wonder, does fail2ban go back over the old log lines for any reason?

No something is not right.  I'm also seeing a delay as per my other mail
with the already-banned lines.

> >
> > It seems to be working, I just am trying to understand what's going on.
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