It doesn't really matter what the default timeout is if you send the value from 
the jail:
actionban = ipset -exist add fail2ban-<name> <ip> timeout <my_timeout>

name = Ip
my_timeout = 3600

action          = my_ipset_ip[my_timeout=86400]

action          = my_ipset_ip[my_timeout=12345]


On 4/8/2016 1:11 PM, wrote:

On Fri, Apr 8, 2016, at 09:58 AM, Nick Howitt wrote:
  Can you set your ipset set with a default timeout? It is a supported
  parameter. This is only a workaround.
Sure.  In the current action already is for example

actionstart = if ! ipset -quiet -name list f2b-<name> >/dev/null;
               then ipset -quiet -exist create f2b-<name> hash:ip timeout 

Atm I can create/clone multiple ipset actions for different bantimes, but that 
just seems a waste.

Ideally I want to be able to reuse the same action, spec'ing the jails in 
.local, for example

enabled = true
maxretry = 3
findtime = %(oneweek)s
bantime = %(onemonth)s
filter = my-filter-1
action   = an-ipset-action...

enabled = true
maxretry = 10
findtime = %(onehour)s
bantime = %(oneday)s
filter = my-filter-2
action   = an-ipset-action...

I'm having a hard time understanding why there's not a consistent approach to 
this.  Clearly other folks have been asking the same question.

If there's an answer, I didn't find it yet.


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