Am 07.07.2020 um 13:32 schrieb Yassine Chaouche:
> Let us examine what f2b logs for say :
> 1. Is is banned/unbanned by *postfix-sasl* 4 times
> 2. on the fifth occurence, it is first banned by the *postfix-sasl*
> jail then by the *recidive* jail. Curiously, the *recidive* jail
> doesn't detect that it has already been banned before. Maybe because
> each ban is related to a jail. Since the *recidive* jail hasn't seen
> this IP before, it bans it.
> 3. After 10 minutes, the ban set by *postfix-sasl* expires, and that
> jail unbans the IP, cancelling the *recidive* jail ban ?
Dont't worry !

No jail does know about another one.

recidive jail only scans the log of fail2ban for "NOTICE [ xxxxxx] Ban

However, xxxxxx may not be "revidive" to prevent a loop. That's the
(?!%(_jailname)s\]) part in filter.

Because _jailname is defined as "recidive" some lines above
%(_jailname)s expands to recidive.

So finaly (?!recidive\]) is used. That is a negative forward lookup, if
found "recidive]" the whole regex fails

All other Ban 's ( note: not Restore Ban ) are counted within the
findtime window, if exceeds maxretry= the ip is banned within the
recidive jail.

So, you are seeing right, first ban ist postfix-sasl (probably false
password for smtp), log entry is done for that. And this log entry
triggers the recidive ban.

After the bantime of postfix-sasl ip is removed from posfix-sasl jail.
But that doesn't mean to be removed from recidive jail.

However a faulty setup ( one ip-set for all jails ) can cause
mailfunction, because the first unban removes ip from ipset.

Usualy each jail has its own ipset or chain in ip-tables.

I, for myself, found a problem also with jailing a ip longer then 55h on
my Centos 6 within ipset. Therefor i'm jailing recidive ip's within 2
chains in iptables.

(2 chains: one for input, one for output, output to make live hard for a
hacker, who already started code on my system[maybe by stackoverflow].
In this case, maybe a "call-to-home" program should be prevented from
call to home; OK in real they are 4 chains: 2 for IPv4 and 2 for IPv6 of

Try "ipset list" command, if you are run ipset based jails, "iptables
-vn -L" otherwise

You should find some f2b-<jailname> ipsets or chains in iptables, i.e.
f2b-postfix-sasl and f2b-recidive too.


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