--- Bronte Baxter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>   Peter wrote:
>   Ron, unfortuanately you're wasting your breath on
> these mala covered samsarins who insist on
> individuality and can not recognize the function of
> the ego in this belief that somehow realization of
> That includes individuality. Poor deluded bhogis. 
>   Bronte:
>   I would say it's "function of ego" that prompts
> someone to term those who don't agree with them
> "poor deluded bhogis." It also conveniently excuses
> them from contributing something substantive to the
> discussion.

Bronte, I was making a joke. The only thing it lacked
was a smiley face. Obviously you are not evolved
enough to appreciate my Enlightened humor. (this last
sentence is a joke).....  ;-)

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