> > Bronte, who started the talk that led to the damn new 
> > rule, gives herself permission to rip into people. 
> > Where's the justice in the universe, right? 
> I say no flame ocurred.  For the record, I enjoy seeing 
> sacred oxes gored, or at least challenged. It is in-your-
> face, toe to toe confrontation, and it is awesome. But I 
> say there has been no foul, and no harm. This is sport, 
> not a brawl. Let's keep it this way.  

The "damn new rule" was bullshit.

And most of us knew it at the time, and just
ignored the posturing whiners who climbed on
board and used it as a vehicle for *their*
flaming of others who didn't "abide by" their
idea of how others should live and conduct
their onscreen communications.

We all saw how long *that* lasted. We saw what
happened the moment that one of the prime
posturers, who took up the flag of "no flaming"
and waved it like it was his right to be "hall
monitor" here at FFL got *HIS* buttons pushed.
Then it became non-stop-flaming on his part,
calling anyone who disagreed with him perverts
and predators.

We saw the same thing with Bronte. All sweet
and nice and offended at the "improper tone"
of Fairfield Life, and especially its treat-
ment of the few delicate "tender feeling level"
women in its midst, until a new woman comes 
around and starts expressing tender feelings.
Then she suddenly has the right to flame away.

Bullshit, pure and simple.

That's the way it ALWAYS is with Puritan move-
ments to "clean up our town" or "clean up our
newsgroup." The people who "sign up" for the new
cleanup campaign don't have their buttons pushed
at the moment, and thus are easily swayed by 
someone who does -- *by* the issue they're trying
to get everyone to rally behind. 

But then the moment their buttons *do* get pushed,
they're first in line to do the very thing they
railed against earlier.

It's just human nature, and I for one think that
people should just lighten up about it. As long
as they have egos to *get* offended by something
that someone says, egos are going to get offended.
And at that point they are going to do whatever
they think is required to express their offended-
ness and try to infect others with it.

It's just what happens. "Rules" aren't going to
change this, and posturing crusaders aren't going
to change it. 

And the "rule" *itself* was a joke. If *anyone*
should have been banned for a week for flaming,
it should have been Saint Edg the Anti-Flamer
himself, the posturing pissant who, mere days
after pretending he was really interested in
cleaning up the environment of FFL, did every-
thing he possibly could to drag it down into
a gutter of his own making.

It's just SILLY, people. Lighten the fuck UP.

This is a cyberbar full of people with EGOs. And
egos are *always* going to get their buttons 
pushed, and in that button-pushed state of atten-
tion feel that they have the "right" to say the
very things that the day before they were denying
someone else the right to say.

If you want to "clean up" Fairfield Life, monitor
your *own* thoughts and words, and leave off try-
ing to do it with the thoughts and words of others.

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