> Vaj <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>             Dedicated to Nablososs
>   Jai Guru Dev
>   Love,
>   Sri Sri Vaj
>   Illuminati Headquarters
>   Brocken Mountain, Germany
>   I heard that from Maharishi myself, in Washington DC in 1983, 
when a reporter asked him what he thought of Hitler. He said, that 
Hitler was actually a good strong leader who unified Germany, it's 
just too bad that he did so much indiscriminate killing.

Lies and fantasies, classic Vaj !  
I attended every single pressconference in DC '83 and never heard 
this. But of course you are not able to validate anything. Just 
rumours as usual. You are a lier with 0 dignity.

The nazi fellows you mix this story into were the WYMS. Completely 
crazy fellows all of whom had fathers or grandfathers with highrank 
nazi background. Their leader was a Count. They did crazy stuff until 
even Maharishi had enough and let them go.
As with many other strange people within the Movement in the '60s 
and '70s Maharishi took them under his wings, gave them more 
responsebilities (in the case of WYMS's security and responsible for 
aircrafts) and in this way gave them opportunity for growth instead 
of destruction.  
Classic Maharishi.

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