Coulter: Jews will be "perfected" when they become Christians.

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Appearing on "The Big Idea" with host Donny Deutsch on Monday, she
said Christians were tolerant of racial diversity but that it "would
be a lot easier" for Jews if they were to become Christians.

Deutsch, who described himself as a practicing Jew on the show, was
clearly dismayed by the remarks, which he called "hateful" and
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In her defense, Coulter apologized for the remarks and said they were

"I don't think you should take it that way (as offensive), but that is
what Christians consider themselves: perfected Jews. We believe the
Old Testament," she said.

Deutsch told Adweek magazine that he had invited Coulter on to discuss
her "brand strategy" but that the topic drifted into politics. After
Deutsch was offended by Coulter's remarks, he said, "I think she got
frightened that maybe she had crossed a line, that this was maybe a
faux pas of great proportions."

After the comments were made on the late-night cable show, they were
picked up by several online magazines and began gaining momentum in
the blogosphere.

- What a way to make a living, eh? - And the right wing freaks *love*
her act.

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