First, her open letter:

Rick wrote:
The Wednesday Night Chat group (WNC) is like a select group of people who have 
invited ...
"Select" -- your word choice. This is a group of "elite."
to a cordial discussion in someone's living room.
Except when someone dares to disagree with elite opinion.
In fact, it's almost literally an extension of Tom's living room.
Except when some of you were thinking of moving the group to a public building. 
blame the elitist attitude on Tom's living room.
Certain behavior appropriate in FFL is inappropriate in WNC.
You're prescribing behavior now, Archer. How elitist is that? You want to 
control not only 
how WNC members think but how they behave as well? There is a more appropriate 
for that: fascist. 
Some people in WNC also belong to FFL and enjoy both, each for different 
WNC will never become FFL because it's made up of different people. Let people 
be people. 
Let them be who they are. Quit prescribing and demanding certain behaviors. 
I've received 
half a dozen emails from WNC members thanking me for what I'm saying about the 
unspoken problem in the group, and for the interesting posts. Anyone who 
doesn't like 
what anyone else writes doesn't have to read it. To silence another's freedom 
of speech 
because you don't like what they said is fascist. Ugly word, absolutely 
appropriate. Quit 
white-washing elitism, folks. Archer, you are supporting and enforcing it. I am 
disappointed to see this in you. 
Others in WNC intentionally avoid FFL because they don't like the rough and 
atmosphere there. Out of respect to those people and the unique purpose of WNC, 
I think I 
reflect the majority in requesting that we don't bring the behavior of FFL into 
"Bring the behavior of FFL into WNC"? You mean because I call a spade a spade 
when I see 
it? What kind of people is this "majority" you speak for that they want to 
silence others or 
curtail their expression simply for having points of view that disagree with 
theirs? I have 
done nothing inappropriate. Did you write a preachy letter like this to Nate, 
Mr. Archer, for 
his vitriolic obscenity-strewn tirade in this forum? Not that I objected, it 
came from his 
honesty. Sometimes honesty and strong sincere feelings make people have to 
speak like 
that. But I ask, did he get a preachy little letter, too, telling him to behave 
properly or risk 
being silenced? Of course not. Not because his behavior was not objectionable 
to your 
delicate tastes, but because he wasn't rocking the "idea" boat. Only people who 
do that are 
not welcome here. Well, I'm going to make you do it, Archer. You are going to 
have to 
choose between being the lackey for people who want to silence and control 
others, or you 
can choose to get off this soapbox.     
When you joined FFL Bronte, you found much of the language and behavior 
offensive. At 
your request, I attempted to clean it up.
And we made it better through those efforts. There was no rule imposed from on 
Improving the civility was a group effort, a consensus.
I am getting emails on the side asking me to "unsubscribe" you from the group.
Well, Rick, go figure.
I don't want to do that, just as I've never (but once) banned anyone from FFL.
If you want to be the henchmen of those who would control the thoughts and 
actions of 
others, then do your dirty work, Rick Archer.
So I'm asking you politely to consider these points.
"Politely" being the sugar-coat that's supposed to disguise your fascist-like 
ultimatum as 
Let `er rip in FFL but please attune yourself to the very different atmosphere 
of WNC if 
you're going to post here.
I shall not be different people when I write to different chat groups just to 
please the 
controlling intentions of the very people whose agenda I have exposed. I shall 
write as I 
am and from who I am. If you want to silence me, those of you who hide behind 
Archer, let that be your karma. You would have done well in Nazi Germany or in 
around the fire in the witch burnings. How are you being any different? Only 
the scale of 
seriousness is changed.
Angela has been writing FFL that she believes the New Age movement has brought 
to bear 
a philosophy that supports fascist thinking, that in the end will make people 
capable of 
everything the Nazis were capable of in their day. I found that a little 
extreme. But in the 
past few days, "fascist" is an adjective that sadly has entered my vocabulary. 
I'm now 
seriously wondering if Angela is right. Has it really come to this? Have my 
friends from the 
days of early TM really changed in 20 years from kind-hearted idealists working 
to try and 
create world peace, to become today cloak-and-dagger silencers with henchmen 
throw independent thinkers from their midst?
Look in your hearts, people. Do you have a conscience left, or have you already 
surrendered that to "universal mind"? Take some individual responsibility. 
Speak up for the 
right thing here. Those of you who've spoken for repression, remember your 
ideals. Is this the kind of person you ever intended to be?
It's time for some clean-up, folks, and I don't mean the kind that kicks Bronte 
Baxter off 
the forum. If that's what you choose to do, it's no real loss to me. I was just 
through, tossing out some fun, maybe useful, ideas while in the neighborhood. 
This chat 
room? I take it or leave it. If you elect to silence a voice, a voice that 
causes you to think, 
the loss is in what you do to your soul. I know, you think you don't have one. 
Which is why 
your situation is so very scary and precarious.
Wishing you all love and light, but most of all, purification -
Your friend, Bronte

Then her departure letter:

Inasmuch as there has been no response to my open letter, and the person who 
invited me 
to join the satsang now considers me an embarrassment, I have elected to leave 
group. Thanks to those of you who supported a democracization of policy, but 
majority of your peers wish to maintain intellectual fascism and elitism. Why 
waste one's 
time talking to mentally ingrown people? It just drains the energy.
To the person who wanted to converse and share, thanks so much. Later I may 
your last post privately. At the moment, however, I have no heart for writing. 
I am 
profoundly sorry for the choices this group, and my friend in particular, have 
made. When 
people care more about impressing others than about fairness and friendship, 
the grounds 
for true dialogue implode. Enjoy your clique, and may you find many new 
recruits to feed 
your collective delusions. If what you all have enlightenment, may I ever be 
spared from it.
Please remove me from your mailing list.
- Bronte Baxter

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