--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> One wonders if he's even qualified to perform or write such a  
> commentary. I'd be very surprised if that's the case. Certainly his  
> 1/3-a-gita isn't that impressive.

I guess we'll never know. His 1/3 Gita was primarly a mundane reading
designed to get across his proclamation, "Awareness in the state of
Being alone, makes the whole field of devotion real". Which is really
no small observation seeing how poorly India was doing (again back to
India).  And of course to support that, "Nistraigunyo bhav-Arjuna,
yogastah kuru karmani". Ch2vs45, "Be without the three gunas" and
"established in Being perform action".

What he never made clear however is, being established in Being as the
basis of devotion necessarily means Cosmic Consciousness (in TM lingo)
is merely Self-Realization NOT God Realization which comes with
devotion and then finally Unity (in most circles Unity is Cosmic
Consciousness, MMY always had to be a little different and put CC
first, but that's another subject)!

I'm still grateful for having know him however, he changed my life. I
was a nothing, going nowhere before I met him! 

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