Holland acts to make its invincibility permanent
by Global Good News staff writer

Global Good News    Translate This Article
25 October 2007

Dr Willem Meijles, Raja (Administrator) of Holland for the Global Country of 
World Peace, delineated the flurry of activities underway in his country—the 
first to create national invincibility—to make its invincibility permanent. 

'We are focusing on press releases and letters to institutions and influential 
people such as the Mayor of Amsterdam and his police force, offering them 
invincibility' and problem prevention for their city, he began. Letters 
offering Peace Colonies* went to government officials of the biggest cities; 
and letters explaining Consciousness-Based Education went to secondary school 
board members. He also reported that an education official in Rotterdam are 
very interested and supportive. 

Dr Meijles' strong team is working smoothly and effectively. They have also 
sent letters to the 443 mayors of the Netherlands' cities, Amsterdam's police 
chief, the 14 ministers of the national government, parliamentary committees, 
and the 12 governors of the provinces, explaining the seven-point programme to 
create an ideal world offered by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, Founder of the Global 
Country of World Peace. The chairman of a key parliamentary committee is 
supportive, Dr Meijles said. 'He says he will see that more parliamentary 
members read the letter carefully, and act on it.' 

They are organizing meetings and lectures on Maharishi Ayur-Veda, Maharishi 
Sthapatya Veda, and Consciousness-Based Education in many cities. At a workshop 
at a big secondary school's Jubilee, for example, Dr Meijles reported that 40 
pupils went to the workshop on Maharishi's Transcendental Meditation Programme 
and Yogic Flying. Further, he reported that there is great interest in 
Maharishi Ayur-Veda medicine, including Ayurvedic pulse diagnosis. A video clip 
shown on television recently pointed out that 'most people know more about 
their car than about their body; and that it is not necessary to go to a 
hospital, because pulse diagnosis is simple and can avert the danger that has 
not yet come.' 

Dr Meijles mentioned some signs of the Netherlands' invincibility: 'In 2006 
when Holland became invincible, a scientific team began research indicating 
that long-term practitioners of Maharishi's Transcendental Meditation Technique 
had less of a type of emissions, indicating less excitation and perhaps also 
fewer free radicals in the system.' Another sign is a new political party in 
the country, that has arisen as their 1 ½ year long Dutch Invincibility Course 
continues to create national coherence. 

He also reported that they are 'warming up for the upcoming tour of Dr David 
Lynch, (internationally acclaimed film director and Founder of the David Lynch 
Foundation for Consciousness-Based Education and World Peace), Dr Bevan Morris 
(Prime Minister of the Global Country of World Peace), and Dr John Hagelin 
(world-renowned quantum physicist, Executive Director of the International 
Center for Invincible Defense in New York City, USA). 'David Lynch is taking 
the leaders of the world by storm; and we expect great things from this tour,' 
he concluded. 'We continue to ring the bell for invincibility for the 
Netherlands and the world.' 

* Communities designed and built according to Vedic Architecture, where 
residents participate in group practice of Maharishi's Transcendental 
Meditation and TM-Sidhi Programme, including Yogic Flying, to create coherence 
and harmony in the collective consciousness of their city and nation. 

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