The thing is, Bronte, you give no quarter when blasting the
inconsistencies and flaws you see in guru school of thought. Why do
you tolerate it in Icke's theories?
Hi, Lurk! Have you read Icke, either of this two most recent books? If 
you read them, you might understand why I don't blast him. I don't 
find flaws or inconsistencies in the guy. I sometimes find him petty 
and sometimes he is too hasty shooting off his mouth and substantiating

No, I haven't read him in a while-probably five years or more. That's 
great if he's offering more substaniation.  I always read him wanting 
to buy into his theories, but couldn't quite bridge the gap.  Next 
time I'm at the bookstore, I'll take a look.  Thanks for the 
recommendation, and the come back.


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