Well, not to rain on anyone's parade, but rajas prolly come in all stripes.  I 
happen to know for a fact that a raja exists who's also a wife-beater. I, too, 
want to know where all the white women are---and the niggers, now that I think 
of it. a

"Richard J. Williams" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:                               
do.rflex wrote:
 > Bigotry is alive and well among the elitist 
 > pricks in the TMO.
 Well, considering the fact that you've probably 
 never even met a single TMO Raja, I guess we now 
 know who the bigot and elitist prick is. But it 
 is funny that you'd call them pricks when you've
 been practicing the Raja Yoga for over forty years.

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