--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> The states lost  some of there origional rights in this  matter of 
> Roe v Wade. So far the states areas to act are thus  limited or 
perempted in 
> their abilitys to restrict a woman's  right to  have or enjoy one, 
an abortion 
> safely etc.>>

So two things are unconstitutional in this matter? 
1. that a person has individual rights by the constitution. 
2. the states have a constitutional right to make laws regarding this?

So, the question arises, when is a fetus no longer part of a woman's 
OWN body?
Or, When does human life said to begin (Ron Paul puts it at 
conception, because he cannot draw a line in any one place)
Also, do the states have the rights to violate a woman's body. 
In that case, the question about when the fetus is no longer part of 
the woman's body is the answer, because the fetus cannot naturally 
live without violent intervention ooutside the woman's body. 
Therefore it is hers and always will be. It does not belong to the 

So if you have a constitution that protects individual rights to 
freedom, then you cannot touch the fetus without her consent or hold 
the woman as criminal. 

Finally, if you just go after the doctors instead, you are in deep 
Talibanesque water, because you then cause a brain-drain from states 
and a woman can take a moring after pill, or see someone less 
qualified, or take a long-weekend in another state, come back a 
little queezy with some souvineers for her famliy.

I think Ron Paul's position is that it is constitutionally up to the 
States to decide the law on it, but the dilemma is that the states 
surely cannot over-ride the consitutional rights to freedom of the 
individual, and as long as the fetus is deemed non-functional outside 
the woman's body then that soverign right cannot be violated. This is 
pretty much true in most cultures except the most tyrannical, so all 
the time wasted on this topic is for dreamers who believe in santa 
claus and beelzebub.

Ron Paul on abortion and stem cell research:


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