Defending MMY?  Me?  Damn Chopra for putting me in this position!

Saw the show and I can't believe what a ripoff and outright liar
Chopra is.  His publisher says that no one before Chopra was
connecting spirituality with physics...reaaaaallyyyyy.  Chopra stands
there and nods his head wisely.

He talks about how he self-published his first book and rode on a bike
taking it to bookstores.  What, no Purusha minions banging on doors
for free?  No mention.

He teaches Mike Myers using a trunkated TM instruction, say "1 am",
now softer, now without moving tongue or lips... No credit to MMY

He mentions as his relationship with George Harrison but no MMY whose
ideas he quotes verbatim in numerous parts "flexibility is the basis
of immortality".  What a rip off artist.

Mike Myers comes off great, deep thinker, no pretensions.  Deepak is a
pompous ass, and a liar.  He ripped off MMY and forced me to feel
badly for my Ex Guru.  He rode on the backs of Purusha to push his
book and then pretended that he did it all himself, while continuing
to use MMY's original work, his actual words.

I am not enjoying feeling badly for MMY Chopra, not at all.  But you
have driven me to this point.  You are filthy rich with tons of
celebrity friends and the ability to travel anywhere you want to
pursue your interests.  And it all comes from ripping off MMY and his
minions and then acting like it was all your own creativity.  Where
are the freak'n Laws of Manu when you need em?  



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