One thing you ain't gonna do is tie Rory down.  Not gonna happen.  
Are you asking me, personally, Steve, or not? You refer to me 
as "Rory" and "he" rather than "you" as if you would rather talk 
about me behind my back, as it were. If you're actually asking for my 
opinion, then these stories are just that -- stories. Experiences and 
memories; no more, no less. They tend to stay pretty much the same 
over the decades, though I suspect with some memory-degradation over 
time. If you really care, you can see for yourself re the stories up 
to 1990 or so if you read the autobiography on I 
wrote most of that in 1997, IIRC, ten years ago.

Nice.  Thank you for the direct comeback.  Rare to get a "concrete" 
reply from Rory, D'OH, I mean YOU. Rory, I find your posts remarkable, 
and entertaining.  I mean you make pretty much everyone else here seem 
firmly grounded. (Nabby excluded)  I do wonder how YOU operate in 
the "real" world, when your day to day experience seems so celestial.  
Personally, I sense much authenticity.  Your descriptions just seem so 
far a field from my daily life, that I wonder if they are more poetry, 
than actual experience.  At any rate, thanks for spending time here.  
You leave your soft underside pretty exposed, and we know what that 
can invite.

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