That was hilarious.  The Raja looked like a "mock pope."  Where did MMY 
find these fools .... oh never mind.  :)

Some of Lynch's industry friends that know about yoga and Indian 
philosophy and other paths need to sit him down and deprogram him of his 

Nabby should note that some of the audience spoke back to him in German 
and I bet all the audience understood German except for Lynch who 
admitted he doesn't know German.

Janet Luise wrote:
> David Lynch Lecture in Berlin Turns Into Chaos
> Posted by Abraham at 11/15/2007 06:00:00 AM
> The Raja of Germany unwittingly echoes Hitler in his calls for
> invincibility for Germany:
> David Lynch Lecture in Berlin Turns Into Chaos
> Maybe this is a repeat. I haven't read the whole long RAJA list.
> When the German reports are saying Raj Emmanual is the wrong man...
> I remember him more as Maria's brother.  People at the first Mallorca
> course might remember him as the guy with the Pink suit and that
> angelic German sterotype.
> No one but Germans have this & only a few of them.... the really pale
> white skin with rosy red cheeks & no fat lips.
> Outside of John Fagan who has more exacggerated personal features....
> Don't all the Rajas look alike.  It;s hard to get beyond the crown &
> dress.
> Emmanuel Schiffgens was considered to be a reincarnation of Emmanuel
> Kant by some Germans in the early 70s.. He has a PhD which isn't as
> hard to get as a PhD in the US.
> Poor fellow

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