Hi All,

I am a new member here, invited to join to learn more about
your group, as well as post about a new group I am forming. 
I am starting a group to learn about the history of nonviolence 
and nonviolent  resistance of oppression. I am using a textbook 
called  Solutions to Violence, which contains material compiled 
by former Washington Post writer Colman McCarthy. Writings from 
this book have been made available online at:


I long to be part of a community in which I can connect with
others on the level of spirit, and honor teachings such as 
those of Amma to see the good in all while not being a lamb 
in the face of injustice. To this end, I have been incorporating
Walter Wink's ideals, found in his book The Powers That Be:


and other of his writings, as well as other works by other 
people, into the Class of Nonviolence materials and discussions. 
This  group has been meeting locally in the Los Angeles area, 
but I am wanting to expand it into an online community.

For me personally, staying in touch with Amma's online groups,
including posting Amma's words at AmmaBhakti Yahoo Group, helps
me face each day invigorated. I am wanting thepowerzthatbe
Yahoo Group to even further energize me to express love and
compassion in my relationships and work in the world. These
words of Amma's resound for me in creating this online
community via thepowerzthatbe Yahoo Group:

"You do not have to believe in Amma, or in a God who resides
up above in the sky on a golden throne. It is enough if you
have faith in yourself. If you don't have faith in yourself,
then there is not much to gain even if you believe in God.
Faith in God is to strengthen your faith in you, the faith in
your own Self. This is, in other words, called Self-confidence,
confidence in your own Self. If that is not there you
cannot succeed in life, whatever your field may be.
Self-confidence is nothing but mental balance, courage and
control over your own mind to confront the problems of life.
You cannot escape from the problems of life...they are...
unavoidable. How are you going to face them if you do not have
faith in yourself?"

If this group sounds interesting to you, here is the link to
it. I recommend going to the group homepage, reading each
message posted (there are less than 10 at the moment), and 
posting your own introduction or inspiring message:


Thank you for your time.

Mary Ann

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