BillyG. wrote:
> --- In, Bhairitu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> You walk away from TM as I did many years ago and after a while I came 
>> across a guru here in the US through a friend.  Basically a guru is 
>> someone who has mastered a path (sort of like mastering a guitar) and 
>> can teach you to master the same path. 
> Indeed if the Guru is a Sat-Guru he can bring you directly to God,
> however if the Guru is merely a human teacher (like many are, maybe
> even MMY) he can still give you a good Sadhana but will be unable to
> assist you on the inner planes because he must be enlightened to do
> that and hence the title Sat-Guru or true guru.
> However, even if you have a Sat Guru, he still merely acts as a human
> teacher until the student has achieved (by his Sadhana) the out of
> Body experience, i.e. has consciously risen above body consciousness
> and into the astral/spiritual realms were he meets the Guru awaiting
> his arrival to introduce and guide him to the great Sat-Chit-Anandam.
What you want is an archarya.  Preferably a tantra archarya since there 
is no support for the renunciate path in the west.   They have the 
capabilities to do what you are saying though most of it is quite simple 
but some charlatans have blown it a bit out of proportion.

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