Sounds similar to the couple who walked out of the room when they saw 
King Nader in a clown cap.
      Many religous leaders around the world have still not gotten out of the 
first-wave mindset.
      The job of a genuine Teacher is to make his student independent so that 
he can think for himself.
       But there are worse problems.  Think of Islam.  The Prophet bumwhack 
Muhammed closes his eyes and gets a vision from Allah.  All the women are 
roasting in Hell and all the men are enjoying in Paradise.!!
       There are half a Billion Muslim women on this planet who still believe 

TurquoiseB <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
  Date: Thu, 06 Dec 2007 09:50:30 -0000
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: mothers of men - TMO press release
  It's the term that *lasts*, George, not
their "explanation. " The explanation won't
be present when women around the world hear
the term and realize what Maharishi and the
TMO really think of women.

And they DO. I've heard Maharishi actually
talk to a woman after she got her second Ph.D.
and tell her, "That's'll have some-
thing to talk about with your husband and
children when you finally have them."

She left the movement that day.

Which is downright *offensive* to some women.

Equally offensive to many woman, who claim the 
*right*, not the *burden* of supporting them-
selves and paying for their own lives themselves.

George, this is a reworking of "the white man's
burden," just leaving out the "white." It's one
of the major problems all along with the TMO
and Maharishi's vision, from my perspective.

Some teacher treat their students as adults; MMY
has always treated them like children, unable to
make their own decisions for themselves. Instead,
as the benevolent father figure, he gets to make
them for them. Now he's extending that "right" to
the *men* he's left in charge after he croaks.
*They* get to make all the decisions for the women.

Didn't you notice the reactions a couple of years
back when they trotted out the rajas in their
uniforms and no mention was even *made* of their
wives? Do you think that was just some kind of
oversight. It wasn't. They don't count. They're
not men.

Which is a sexist fantasy, a way of keeping women
in a subservient position, dependent on the men.
Read some feminist literature, dude. It's *right*
about many things. 

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