On Dec 16, 2007, at 12:52 PM, new.morning wrote:

I was thinking, for new.morning, more of a Max Van Sydow combo -- part
from Bergeman's Seventh Seal, and the other from Hanna and Her
Sisters. Perhaps as imitated by daffy duck.

Saturday Night Live characters come to mind for me. Not only as
characters, but the character that some see in others. For instance,
Fred Garvin -- Male Prostitute -- could be how Duv sees Barry and

I'm voting for Dan Akroyd for Curtis albeit more the bluesy Dan.

Or the Mrs. Conehead and Emilie Latella dynamic:
Emile: "What is all this fuss I hear about the Supreme Court decision
on a "deaf" penalty? It's terrible! Deaf people have enough problems
as it is!"
When Mrs Conehead points out Emile's error to her (death vs. deaf),
she would crinkle her nose, usually say, "Oh, that's very
different...", and then humbly say to the audience, "Never mind."

Emilie being everyone on the forum except Mrs Conehead.

And Vaj, though perhaps seeing himself as Yoda, might be seen by some
as Mr. Conehead.

That's funny, I'm having meat and vegetable matter between two starch planes for lunch!

For New Morn, Super Dave Osbourne.

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