--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nablusoss1008 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "shempmcgurk" <shempmcgurk@> 
> wrote:
> > 
> > But the more interesting question, Nablus, is: if this forum is 
> > a horrible place seeped in discord, hatred, lies, and rumours 
> > are you doing here, too?
> 1. To watch fools like you make fools of themselves while trying to 
> put on a serious face posing as experts on, particularily the 
> development of consciousness and TM is good entertainment. 
> 2. To read interesting post by people who has something worthwile 
> say. A rare pleasure these days now that Rory and Jim got fed up 
> this place.
> 3. To catch an interesting link. Thanks to Bob Brigante and whoever 
> posted the link to lectures by Charlie Lutes.

But didn't you catch that quote of Maharishi's that Bob recently 
reproduced at 


which tells us that what we think we become?

You're ALWAYS commenting upon and adding to the negativity here on 
FairFieldLife.  You wallow in it, like a pig in shit.  Constantly.

> Since 2. is getting so rare as to be almost noenexistent and the 
> of the contributors are preoppupied mainly with trivia, since I'm 
> up with fools like you and interesting links are seldom, I find 
> less and less in this place. If it wasn't for the rare link I would 
> permanently out of here.

So, then, I expect in the future never to see you commenting on 
anything but the rare links to interesting, positive things.

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