--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Rick Archer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Edwards did something that I consider rather dumb. He pulled a 36 hour
> sleepless marathon leading up to caucus night, holding little meetings in
> the middle of the night and bigger ones throughout the day. By tonight he
> looked and sounded pretty fried. Obama stayed on a pretty good sleep
> schedule, played basketball with aids this morning, and was out to dinner
> with his family when the news came that he was projected to win. This thing
> is a marathon, not a sprint. Burn yourself out at any point and you run the
> risk of giving a lackluster speech that may haunt you, getting the flu, etc.

Edwards didn't have much choice except to do that type of marathon because it 
so important that he pull out a win in Iowa.  And I thought that his 
speech (not a concession speech at all) was fine.  Obama had the easier 
position from 
which to give a speech, obviously, but it still had a sense of being a defining 
in the campaign and possibly American history.  He was perfectly situated to 
give a 
great speech and he clearly did so.  I was impressed.

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