In a message dated 1/5/08 2:18:55 A.M. Central Standard Time,  

Just  noticed that the last clause of Matthew 20:16

16 So the last [e.g.  "Obamians"?] shall be first, and the first 
[e.g. "Bushians"?] last, *for  many are called, and few chosen.*'

Ummm, Bush isn't running again, a common liberal mistake. And I guess  you're 
assuming Osama can beat the Republican candidate, whoever that might  be. But 
I do find it interesting that the generation-Xers are telling the  Clintons 
to Moveon and the baby boomers to "get out of the way, we want our  chance". I 
hope he gets the nod from his party.

**************Start the year off right.  Easy ways to stay in shape.

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