Answer to Miguel's Question Three.

[ You write that Gnosticism is subjective but gnosis isn't subjective.
What do you mean by that? - - -   The question in question I found in
your introduction and other chapters.  You mention more than once that
gnosis is a fact and gnosticism is an opinion. ]

OK, let us call this question `Subjectivity and Objectivity; and
also of course relating to your question of how I see this regarding the
religion of Gnosticism (or any other belief package for that matter).

What are YOU and anyone else for that matter, meaning by the words
Subjectivity and Objectivity? I mean them to point to the

As a living conscious…. `thing', phenomenon, person, or
whatever you wish to call it; the only reason I know that I exist is
because I consciously experience existing and I am aware of things when
my consciousness of them supplies me with such experiences.  None of
these experience take place outside or beyond of me, all experiences are
an inner job.   Thus, every experience is a subjective event within
consciousness.  I call SOME of these inner experiences objective in the
sense that the tree which I experience in the yard does not seem to be
ME, but rather something that the ME is observing. Is this the same with
you and other people or am I an odd exception?  I can only know anything
about you by way of what you tell me, or what I see sitting on the other
side of the room.  But I see all that stuff IN ME. I cannot get outside
of my consciousness of things and become that which I am observing and
whilst at the same time not being an observer.  I have written about all
this hundreds of times, in books, articles and hundreds of emails. But a
quick synopsis again here then.

There are a few people, not many, who have told me that they do not
accept that there is anything out there beyond themselves, and that
everything is simply an experience which they alone are having. This of
course is Solipsism. But I sure do not go along with this, because I
KNOW (and also via gnosis) that there are things which I am not.

As to what is really absolutely objective to me, then not only do I not
know but there is no way I could ever directly know; because the
phenomenon of consciousness automatically sets up a duality of the
Observer and the Observed – the "I – Thou" perspective
– the knower and the known; the lover and the loved etc. Thus, what
is the Observed when not being observed by an Observer of it?  Not
possible to know !  The only way one could `know' that is to be
devoid of the consciousness of anything; and without conscious
experience we are aware of nothing at all – oblivion.  I find this
hilarious, funny, and a deep wonderful eternal mystery that we observers
of `stuff' can never know the absolute answer to – hence and
ultimate eternal mystery. Oh yeah I love it,  tis great.

However, this duality which consciousness itself sets up is plainly a
duality within the greater sum of the whole, which is a oneness.  I am
not something on the outside of `creation' looking in on it, I
am a tiny infinitesimal living conscious part of it all and a part of
the life force itself – but a central part because there only ever
is the Observer and the Observed. The observed here of course meaning
everything which I am not.

Now, I did not issue forth myself. I did not manufacture consciousness,
or anything much for that matter. All I can do is to manipulate some of
the stuff of which things are made, constructed of. I can turn water
into ice, or boil it into steam etc. But I do not make the stuff, the
primordial energy of which things are made – and I do not even make
the things that are constructed in time and pace (or anywhere else for
that matter).  Sure, I can cut a tree down and burn it or make something
from it; but I cannot make a tree, and I cannot make ME.  So, there sure
is something which I AINT – the – whatever it is out there
beyond me which I am not in absolute terms.  Simple really. But I have
not got a clue what it is. Do you know?

Now, strange is it may or may not seem, that Paradise Event where we get
this gnosis understanding is oh so very different to anything that could
even be assumed by way of normal daily experience of things or even
imagination. There is no way that you could imagine that realm –
unless those who have known it tell you what it is like; and I do that
in detail in the books.  But whilst there, all we have is vision (one
can see the place – tis in colour) and some kind of drifting
experience (which is odd because time does not move there – but I
worked out why soon enough after the event) and this KNOWING, gnosis,
understanding, eternal wisdom of what we are and where we come from
whilst there.  BUT, it is axiomatic whilst there that there is something
which is NOT THERE, and upon which all this depends.  Quite a mystery
eh.  But what is it, where is it, is it actually extant in some odd way?
Pass !

You and I are not `created' (well according to our experience of
that realm anyway) but we are the stuff, or a mere blob of the stuff, of
what that realm itself is made of.  It seems that when a blob of this
stuff/energy reaches a certain `volume' or `capacity'
shall we say, then it bursts into consciousness and is aware of
existing.  Consciousness flow through it/us.  IT, WE, are not the
phenomenon of consciousness, it is something which flows through that
mass of our being in Eternity.  That is how it is found and known to be
there. However, for that part of us which exists there always then there
is not a before and no afterward, there is no concept or understanding
of changing events (time). It is always an eternal NOW which does not
change.  Some fools have called this part of our self by a three letter
word which I aint gonna use and I am not going to get dragged into that
silly debate :- )))))

However, the you and I which exists here on earth type experience is
made of three parts, some kind of trimorphic emanation of energy from
the very point of no duration and no extension. There is that part
there, there is also the incarnate temporal body and personality and
rational discursive mind - then there is the big bit which is the middle
bit which connects them, which I call the psyche, or the soul or the
subconscious structure of our incarnate being. Thus three bits.  The
middle bit is the bit which connects time to eternity; but it is the
engine room of the incarnate form.  So, we (mind) are ever tied to the
cross of time and eternity; and we are here on earth for a purpose –
ab aeterno ad hoc amigo.  And we also come to learn what that purpose is
– and then the job of fulfilling it – and which aint an easy job
mate :- ) Huh, sure is profound and wondrous, but it is still hilarious
too is it not – weird stuff is existence for sure :- ) Good fun
though, tis better TO BE than not TO BE.

Oh yeah, the other part of the question. Twas about the religion of
Gnosticism was it not. Well, what of it exactly?  Such things which
people choose to believe do not really interest me. There was this guy
who believed that he was his wife's hat :- )))))  My thing as that
which we have to live with - and that is problematic enough most of the
time; but still fun and exciting. Why dump beliefs into the melting pot?

But to be serious about that I will try to be – there have been
thousands of religious belief systems since the dawn of human beings on
earth, every tribe used to have its own; and each one has so many
variations on a theme.  But what has that got to do with me?  I have
never had one, would not have one if it came with a free gift of beer
coffee and cigarettes for whole lifetime. What are they all on about
anyway?  Do they know?  They all repeat the stuff of their package like
automatons – like putting a penny in the slot and watching what the
butler saw on the end of the pear – it aint reality, they are
reading stories, myths, social constructs and often for political
purposes.  And when somebody says that this or that guy said this or
that two or three thousand years ago then how the hell could they know
that, for they were not there – they read it in  book. Life is with
us NOW – Live it and learn.

  So, Gnosis is a specific type of mystical experience. It happens, it is
a real event of conscious experience (as is all life). Of course it is
subjective in that we are conscious of it happening – inwards.  What
is it to read a book on Gnosticism?  That is also subjective because you
are conscious of doing it and of your reading something in a book –
within you. But one is a direct experience if this gnosis thing and the
other is the experience of reading a book and then forming mere opinions
about what you are reading in that book. Not the same thing is it.
Reading a book about swimming is not swimming.  And no matter what a
person thinks, chooses to believe, assumes;  swimming IS what swimming
IS. Gnosis is not about thinking – we cannot even do that thing
there. So, that is how it is found to be. If others have been there and
found it to be different then let them talk of it. The folks who I have
met and known it say the same things as I found. So, there you go. And
there we do indeed GO.  I tell people not to believe what I write about
all this, for that will not do them any good, and it might even stop
them from looking for it and asking their own questions. So, I tell them
to read it, give it some thought, and then forget it; and go and live
their lives and see what turns up for them to become conscious of. That
is all  I did – explore life – the inner and the outer.

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