In a message dated 1/6/08 11:24:01 A.M. Central Standard Time,  

Shemp,  Bill Clinton's record looks conservative because he lost 
>  democratic congress after the failed Hillary Healthcare venture and  
raising taxes. 
> When Newt Gingrich took over in the House with a  Republican 
Senate , they held 
> his feet to the fire.and would not  send him the legislation that 
would allow 
> him to be the liberal  he really is."The days of big Government are 
> Remember  that! Clinton was so desperate for a legacy, any positive 
legacy, he  
> went along with a lot of what the congress sent him thus creating  
a some what 
> conservative record. .

I don't care whether he  was dragged kicking and screaming to sign 
those conservative bills that  made all them laws. He signed 'em, he 
gets credit for 'em.

Richard  Nixons signed into law one of the most sweeping, hard-hitting 
liberal  bills ever, the one creating the Environmental Protection 
Agency.  Recently, Al Gore gave him the credit for doing it.

And, sorry, your  use of the term "a somewhat conservative record" is 
way out of proportion  for what is an EXTREMELY conservative record. 

Go ahead. Dare me to  show you why.

Agreed . He was brought kicking and screaming to his record but he would  
have been another LBJ  or worse if he had the congress he would have liked  to 
have had. He was a liberal without convictions. He  wanted a legacy he  could 
look back on and if it turned out conservative instead of liberal , so be  it. 
But his court appointments were anything but conservative and that is a  major 
part of any president's record.

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