Apparently Maharishi is Guru to the world, just not with individuals

--- In, Robert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>                 Dear Fellow Governors, Sidhas and Meditators of 
>   As many of you have certainly heard, our beloved Maharishi has 
announced that he is retiring from activity. Our great Maharishi, 
Jagadguru to the world, whose tireless efforts for more than 50 
years have transformed the destiny of the human race, is, of 
necessity, retiring from his constant exertion on our behalf and on 
behalf of the entire world. 
>   One week ago, on the evening of January 8, in reviewing the 
progress of his global Movement and surveying the growing signs of 
peace in the world, Maharishi declared, "Invincibility is 
irreversibly established in the world. My work is done. My 
designated duty to Guru Dev is fulfilled." He resolved to use all 
his remaining time to complete his commentary on the Veda.
>   We must all join together in rejoicing with Maharishi in his 
supreme accomplishment of the ages—the complete transformation of 
the world from the depths of ignorance and suffering of Kali Yuga to 
the perpetual sunshine of Sat Yuga—the rule of Natural Law, the Will 
of God, on Earth.
>   Of course, the very thought of Maharishi retiring from 
constantly showering us with his precious knowledge and exquisite 
spiritual and practical guidance is overwhelming. There are no words 
to describe the deep sense of loss that we all naturally feel. 
>   Fortunately, and of great solace, Maharishi has given us 
everything we need to achieve perfection in life—to realize the 
Supreme—and to ensure his legacy of a world completely beyond the 
reach of suffering—Heaven on Earth. Maharishi has made our task 
simple—to use what he has given us to achieve the permanent 
transformation of life on Earth.
>   Precious Moment in Our Lives
>   This is a very precious and delicate time of transformation for 
ourselves, our Movement, and the entire human race. Now is the time 
to reflect deeply on what is truly important. 
>   Until now, we have all had the feeling, to some extent, that 
Maharishi would take care of everything, that Maharishi was 
organizing everything—which he truly was. Maharishi would, with or 
without our help, achieve his precious goals for humankind.
>   Now, with Maharishi's declaration, that time has ended.
>   Maharishi has bestowed upon us the leadership of his Movement. 
We must, all of us, take ownership of it. He has handed to us the 
reins of destiny for the human race. We must take hold of those 
>   Each and every one of us has a vital role to play. 
>   For those who live in Fairfield and Maharishi Vedic City, your 
primary role is creating coherence in the Domes. This is crucial for 
the safety and security of our nation—and indeed for the success of 
our every Movement initiative. For those who are not yet Yogic 
Flyers, it means becoming a Sidha and doing the longest program 
>   This is the time for the MUM community to pull together and 
rededicate itself to the permanence of the historic community we 
have built—the community which is the cornerstone of Maharishi's 
legacy for America and, to a large extent, for the entire world. 
>   For all our other dear Governors and Sidhas throughout the 
country, your contribution will be to create coherence locally and 
to play a vital role in supporting and promoting Maharishi's 
precious knowledge and programs in your area (see below). For our 
Meditators, I urge you to learn the most advanced and powerful 
techniques Maharishi has given us, especially Yogic Flying, so that 
you can accelerate your own growth to enlightenment and contribute 
most powerfully to the peace and invincibility of our nation.
>   New Leadership for America
>   Prior to Maharishi's retirement, he put into place a very 
powerful leadership structure for our nation and the world. 
>   At the global level, this leadership begins with Maharaja Nader 
Raam, who most perfectly embodies Maharishi's infinite silence, and 
whose awareness is so profoundly anchored to Being that he will be a 
pure and steady guide for our administration of the world. Our 
Global Prime Minister, Dr. Bevan Morris, is unparalleled in this 
world for his profound dedication and command of Maharishi's 
knowledge, and for his extraordinary leadership and organizing 
ability. And the 12 Global Ministers and the 27 Rajas, whom 
Maharishi has carefully trained, collectively provide an invincible 
global leadership for Maharishi's worldwide Movement.
>   At the national level, I was recently blessed by Maharishi with 
the privilege of serving as the Raja of Invincible America. I have 
thereby committed my life and my energy to the fulfillment of 
Maharishi's supreme vision for our nation.
>   Fortunately, I am supported by the most brilliant and dynamic 
team of national directors the U.S. Movement has ever seen. I am 
excited about this new leadership, and will be introducing this team 
to you all very shortly.
>   Gratitude to the US Rajas
>   For the past several years, America has been blessed by the 
enlightened leadership of 12 highly dedicated Rajas. Their guidance 
has been indispensable and has generated vital new growth and new 
initiatives across the nation. Maharishi has now entrusted each of 
these Rajas with the responsibility for eight other nations. Hence 
their primary focus will, of necessity, shift away from the U.S. 
However, the Rajas have kindly agreed to offer their continuing 
guidance on many of the key initiatives they have begun within their 
U.S. domains.
extraordinary dedication and compassionate leadership during these 
past years.
>   Moving Forward
>   We must now move forward, maintaining the great momentum of 
global transformation that Maharishi has created.
>   In the United States, we are launching a new and unprecedented 
outreach effort—a new wave of expansion in each of 12 areas of 
national life, spearheaded by our National Directors: 
>    Education   
>    Health   
>    Agriculture   
>    Architecture   
>    Trade and Commerce   
>    Defense   
>    Science and Technology   
>    Communications   
>    Administration   
>    Religion and Culture   
>    Law and Order   
>    Finance and Planning 
>   At the same, we have consolidated the United States into 10 
geographic regions. Our highly dedicated Governors across the 
country will be dynamically engaged, and many new Governors and 
Peace Palaces added, supported by this outreach effort.
>   With the generous help of some great benefactors, we are also 
launching a powerful initiative to immediately expand our MUM 
student body, which will bring hundreds of new Yogic Flyers to the 
Golden Domes and immeasurably strengthen our whole community.
>   This is the time for all of us to take ownership of the 
Movement. This is the time for us to secure Maharishi's legacy—to 
literally create Heaven on Earth. 
>   Your active participation and committed support will be the key 
to our success. I ask all of you now to come together as a family, 
and move forward collectively with united purpose. 
>   With great love and appreciation,
>   Jai Guru Dev,
>   John Hagelin
> Raja of Invincible America
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