Date: Wed, 23 Jan 2008 12:02:47 -0600
From: Raja John Hagelin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


Dear Governors, Sidhas, and Meditators,

When I think of great human beings-and truly great American heroes-I think of Howard and Alice Settle. Longtime Yogic Flyers, Howard and Alice have, through their extraordinary intelligence and organizing power, been blessed with great material abundance. Fortunately for America and the world, Howard and Alice are deeply devoted to Maharishi and his Total Knowledge. They have chosen to share a very large portion of their wealth to support Maharishi's programs to create invincibility in America and Heaven on Earth.

You may or may not be aware of this, but Howard and Alice have donated an astonishing $1 million each month for the past 15 months to support the Yogic Flyers on our Invincible America Assembly-including the Vedic Pandits. It is their ongoing generosity that is allowing America to rise to invincibility and remain steadfast amidst the many economic, social, and even meteorological storms that have blown our way.

Last week, on January 12, Howard celebrated his birthday and was joyously feted on Maharishi's Global Family Chat. The following is a transcript of his eloquent remarks at the conclusion of that wonderful day-a day when, incidentally, the number of Yogic Flyers in the Domes exceeded the Super Radiance number of 1730. (Unfortunately, since then, the numbers have fallen again to around 1500.) Please listen carefully to the words of this very wise, highly enlightened man. Please take his words deeply into your heart-and act on them.

With great love and appreciation,

Jai Guru Dev

Raja John


On his birthday, January 12, 2008

<>Listen to the Audio of Howard's Message

Transcript: "I would like to take this opportunity to speak to all of the Sidhas in America and throughout the world about the extraordinary gift that Maharishi has given us in the form of the Invincible Assemblies.

"Maharishi has given us the opportunity to create an invincible world-a world without enemies-a world of peace, prosperity, joy, happiness, and profound bliss.

"The formula to achieve this incredible goal for mankind is so very simple, and it is completely within our grasp. Maharishi has given us the technology to achieve the impossible through a procedure so easy and blissful that it defies imagination-and yet it is true, and it has been tested and proven.

"The technology, of course, is an Invincible Assembly in every nation-a Super Radiance group of Yogic Flyers in every country.

"We have such an assembly in America, and I am very gratified to see that in the last day or two we have achieved the Super Radiance numbers once again.

"We have been given the knowledge of the mechanics of these Invincible Assemblies as a formula-the square root of 1% of the nation's population-but I would like to discuss the benefits for each of us in terms of my field of experience, which is business.

"There is an important principle in business which Maharishi has described as 'do less and accomplish more.' For any business transaction, you want to invest as little as possible, but in return you want to receive as much as possible.

"We have the tools to calculate how efficient we are at this principle of 'do less and accomplish more': we calculate the return on investment and the rate of return.

"In business, if you can achieve a 2 to 1 return on your investment over a period of a year, your calculated rate of return is 100%, and this is pretty good. In fact, if I offered each of you a 100% rate of return, it would be insane not to take advantage of an investment as favorable as that.

"By contrast, Raja Hagelin has informed us that the influence we create in the Super Radiance groups is equal to the square root of 1%. The easiest way to calculate this effect is to multiply the number of Yogic Flyers by 100. So yesterday, with 1750 Yogic Flyers in the Invincible America Assembly, each of you had the effect of providing a positive influence of coherence to 175,000 of your fellow citizens. In other words, the return on investment of a single Yogic Flyer in the Assembly yesterday was 175,000 to 1; and this return did not take a year, but occurred within 3 hours. I haven't calculated the rate of return on this investment of your time, but it approaches infinity.

"This return to each of you on the Assembly is on an investment far more precious than money. It is a return on your action-your karma. And the result will be a continuous stream of positive influence in your life that will grow each day as you participate in the Assembly.

"There is no more efficient mechanism in the universe to accomplish so much for so little. This is the extraordinary gift of Maharishi which will allow us to make such progress for ourselves and our world in such a short time.

"I would like to make an appeal to all of the Sidhas to continue to go to the Assembly and to create invincibility today.

"The goal of invincibility is completely in reach. It can be achieved today, and tomorrow, and the next day. The Sidhas of every country hold the keys to the gates of Heaven, and these gates can be opened this very evening. By participating in the group of Yogic Flyers, you will allow the Light of God to flood into the earth, and you will transform the destiny of man. You will free the world from struggle, and usher in the Age of Enlightenment-Heaven on Earth-invincibility for each of you as individuals, for our nation, and for the family of nations.

"This opportunity is in our hands this very moment. We do not have to wait for some date in the future or for some planet to change position. Maharishi has given us the collective power to make this transformation this very day, and our gift to Maharishi should be to achieve the goal today so that we can celebrate this extraordinary moment of transformation together with Maharishi in these next few days.

"For this extraordinary gift, as is our tradition, we give all glory to Guru Dev."

Jai Guru Dev.

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