
--- In, omg213 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Rick Archer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> "BevanĀ¹s not married. Men and women get together."
> LBS wrote: 
> "Deciding that Bevan doesn't deserve a fair shake, as far as I'm
> concerned, is dangerous to us all, because it's an erosion of the
> principle of fair play and justice."
> If the president of Harvard had a long string of serial affairs with
> 15 members or wives of administration and faculty members, and women
> who were leaders in the community, it would be a scandal and he 
> be thrown out on his ear. Further, if the Harvard president was
> sleeping with numerous students, he would be barred from any 
> administrative job forever. If the president of Harvard was using 
> power and prestige of his position to seduce students, 
> and faculty to an extent bordering on rape, he would probably be
> brought to court on criminal and civil charges.  All of these things
> have been alleged against Bevan, apparently repeatedly and
> extensively.  Why as president of MIU / MUM should he get a "pass"
> when any other college president would be thoroughly investigated, 
> if found guilty, strung up and hung, so to speak, at least on a
> career, academic, social and moral level?  
> Naming women publicly sinks to the level of tabloid journalism and 
> uncalled for. 
What is called for is a thorough investigation of a
college president (who also has the position of being a spritual
> leader / conduit / spokesperson for a spiritual community) who has
> many allegations of activity totally inappropriate and perhaps 
> for his position(s).
> Same for John Haglin. Stories circulate of his being a serial sexual
> predator upon MUM community and students. Any presidential candidate
> allegedly pursuing woman is such a predatory fashion would be
> thoroughly investigated and if evidence was forthcoming, he would be
> skewered by the press. Particularly given the double irony that he
> also is a spritual leader / conduit / spokesperson for a spiritual
> community). Why should he get a free pass? 
> Naming women without evidence in a public forum is not the way to
> proceed. However, on the other hand, 
detailing and investigating the
> apparently large body of evidence against these university / 
leaders as sexual predators is overdue.

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