I'll resist, mostly, going against my promise to Lurk to settle down
about MURDERERS WE'VE ELECTED.  Oops, my blurt.

The above article shows Noam doing what I cannot do without fuming: 
he shows our tawdry American policies under Dems and Repugs in an
easily read shorthand.

Read it and weep.  Probably, if you're a weepy type, you're already up
on this history, but I found it bracing and clarifying to revisit.

If Richard comes on strong and supports this history as the proper
thing for Americans to have done, I may have to break my vow to Lurk.
 This Mideast history is as bad as the history of the American slavery
era or the Nazi genocidal policies. And, Richard I have fully answered
your "abortion defense," so don't even try that ruse again without
going over my topic-of-abortion posts point by point.

You can't get more spiritual than Satan . . . meaning Satan does major
sinning which necessarily involves the subtle realms, and killing
millions in the Middle East or gassing 6,000,000 Jews or raping the
entire continent of Africa for slaves descends to that lowest of
levels and surely is a devastating spiritual crime that must be atoned
by American comeuppance of extreme degree.

2012 seems to be properly timed, yes?


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