In a message dated 2/1/08 5:12:59 P.M. Central Standard Time,  

Hillary's vote to go to war, 
Was a vote to go to war.
It was clear at the time,
That if she was going to be a presidential candidate...
That she had to look like a tough war-monger, at that time...
If she didn't know her vote was to go to war,
Then she was inexperienced in the real world,
Which is not the case.
She voted to go to war, because she wanted to go to war.
She is a Senator from NY, and there was the emotion to go to  war.
This is the clearest example of Barack's superior judgment:
For day one, and onwards way beyond Day One!

Somebody please list for me all those that voted to authorize Bush to go to  
war, that protested the day before or after the war began, saying they didn't  
mean for Bush to go to war. It didn't happen. Only after it started becoming  
apparent we would not find WMD's did the grumbling  start.

**************Biggest Grammy Award surprises of all time on AOL Music.     

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