--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Duveyoung <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> The last time Maharishi was in FF, the 7,000 course, there was 
> a terrible snow storm.
> Just wondering if FF got hit as hard as Madison, WI is presently 
> being hit -- if so, then it's the same kind of astral event to 
> my way of thinking....in each case Maharishi was on everyone's 
> mind.

Uh...Edg...just to throw another possibility into
the mix, have you ever heard of the word "coincidence?"

Like shit, weather just seems to happen.

And as far as Maharishi being "on everyone's mind,"
just to give you a little perspective on things,
last night *as* he died, my tiny little beach town
was full of about 150,000 extra tourists, there for
the big night of Carnavale -- Mardi Gras (Fat Tuesday).

I would be willing to bet that the ONLY person in
Sitges who had Maharishi on his mind was me. 

I would bet that the same thing is true here today,
now that some of them have actually heard of his 

And I would further bet that in Madison, Wisconsin
the same is true of all but about 40-50 people in
the whole town. No one else cares.

So if you've got to come up with a "reason" for your
snowstorm, PLEASE don't choose, "Maharishi was on
everyone's mind." It's just so, "Everything revolves
around me and how *I* feel."

That said, do you *live* in Madison? If so, I've never
gotten that before. I actually spent over a year work-
ing in that town, commuting there four days a week, 
three weeks a month. Madison has its charms. Good on
you for picking it, if you did...

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