I'm with you Edg in all your points.  Coincidence is more than meets the eye 
(or the I).  In my own life, I've already mentioned the fact that the two 
teachers I trained in China are committed to working with me until we establish 
Dao of English as a tradition.  Yup, and, thanks to Marshy, I know all the 
pitfalls of doing an absurd thing like that (Jai Guru Dev).   The two Chinese 
Bamboo Princesses, knowing nothing of MMY, made that commitment  to me the day 
Marshy died--and it's a Chinese deep *guan-xi* commitment, not an American 
promise or, worse, a legal document, so it's a certainty.  Then, today, a man 
I'd lost track of called me out of the blue to tell me that he will be teaching 
Dao of English in Japan--and this is a guy that has a profound understanding of 
this Tai-Qi-like practice--so, I'm in seventh heaven right now, right with MMY, 
God bless his bloody arse. 

My grandpa seems to have been an unusual man--I'm only beginning to fathom him. 
 For one thing, I saw him die sitting up in bed, cheerful, and making spiritual 
jokes to the last second.  I didn't make this up for this occasion either.  
Judy can check with all my friends and every member of my family if she feels 
like proving (again) that I'm an intellectual sloth and a pathological liar--my 
sister will agree with her completely, by the way.  But Gramps's thing prolly 
ain't legal.  He didn't sit in lotus, for one thing and nobody thought to put 
rose petals on his head.  Moreover, he sent one of us out to get him a beer-- 
that was *after* he told us he would die within the hour and then he did just 
that.  In fact, he predicted he wouldn't have time to finish the beer.  

Now, when this man decided to teach me the lesson about coincidence, he 
manifested (apparently--cause somebody sure did) two of them, two coincidences 
to blow your mind, which is their ultimate purpose.  The first one came in the 
form of a care-package--a random care-package from Canada.  And whoever had 
sent it, had wrapped the food that saved our lives with newspaper--probably 
without knowing how precious newspaper was to us, a rare commodity 
indeed--imagine life without john paper or newspaper or paper of any kind.  

But, before we put it this wonderful God-sent in the john to wipe our asses, we 
read every blessed word.  And so, just before Christmas in 1945, one of those 
wrappers in one of those care-packages had a poem on it, and this poem was 
signed by a member of my grandpa's family that they had lost track of in the 
slaughter and the fleeing-therefrom-bleeding-and-starving starving that was 
WWI.  And sure enough, when we wrote to the paper in that town, they sent us 
our Lena and Sasha's address.  If nature-support has any validity, it is in the 
ability of Nature to create coincidences with every thing she creates.  There 
is nothing else, in fact, because a deep coherence and a deep intelligence 
inhabits all.   We just don't all see it to the same degree of depth at any 
particular moment.   But we as one mind see it clearly always.   

The second coincidence came hard on its heels.  Gramps was recovering from 
hunger-typhus after Mom had got him out of East Berlin in a true cloak and 
dagger operation, but he was well enough to sit up in bed to make me memorize 
the Christmas story from the second chapter of Luke so I could recite it to 
everyone under the Christmas tree.  And while he and I were working on it, a 
knock came at the door just as I was saying the bit about no room at the inn.  
And the guy knocking at our door at that moment, you guessed it, was named 
Joseph and he said he needed a place for his wife and newborn baby for the 
night, that he'd already been all up and down every street of the village and 
there was no room at the inn.  

I don't care what any of you trolls and watch-fiends on this list say, this 
really happened in my charmed life.  Consider also the genetic history of wheat 
in this context, the staff of life.  Creating the evolution of wheat from a 
simple grass was a twelve-step program.  And each step required a genetic 
mutation that had a gazillion chances against it happening, yet it happened and 
this gazillion-chances-to-one scenario somehow arranged itself twelve different 
times.  This is, in fact, an excellent model of the sequential unfolding in all 
creation.  It is a history of coincidence that creates an English sentence as 
well, from formless silence to expressed form because there is an  abstract, 
inner mathematical  structure, laws of form, that guide the process.  It is as 
Blake said, "Spiritual causes alone are real."

When Gramps died (I was eighteen), I realized that I am Gramps.  I realized it 
again when Bill Witherspoon ran over and killed my Ru Dog, the best doggie 
anyone ever had.


----- Original Message ----
From: Duveyoung <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Wednesday, February 6, 2008 3:05:00 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Snow Storm is symbolic?  I think so.


            After my post below, my office windows finally were ENTIRELY

snowed/frosted over, and I said to myself, "Wow, there really is

nothing else in sight when the master dies."

Then, at that very moment, a small chunk of snow fell off my window

pane and I could see the storm outside raging with purity.

Yeah, it's all about me. So sue me, but that was a symbol; it was

Maharishi waving goodbye to me with a last, "Keep looking for akanda

mandala karum!" message.

Maharishi said, they say, "When I go, I'll take 5,000 with me." 

Having been one of the first 5,000 initiators, I always took that

"personally. "  Ahem.

But, hey, even thinking about the Pole Star is one way to travel with

Maharishi right now, and who hasn't thought of the Pole Star today? 

In fact, I just now, by the speed of consciousness, posted a instant

telepathic message there on the third planet circling the North Star

and informed them that Maharishi's theme song was on the way to them.

 I'm expecting that whoever is subtle enough, there, got the message.

Yeah, space travel!

Go figure.

That old man might have a thing or two more to teach us.


--- In FairfieldLife@ yahoogroups. com, Duveyoung <[EMAIL PROTECTED] .> wrote:


> The last time Maharishi was in FF, the 7,000 course, there was a

> terrible snow storm.


> Just wondering if FF got hit as hard as Madison, WI is presently being

> hit -- if so, then it's the same kind of astral event to my way of

> thinking.... in each case Maharishi was on everyone's mind.


> Next time anyone fears global warming, all we have to do is think really

> hard about Maharishi!  Shemp, I so apologize to you.


> This "cold thingie" seems to be deeply understood by humans at some

> subtle level.  In spooky movies we often get that when an evil presence

> is afoot, the humans suddenly have their breaths showing cuz of the

> coldness in the room -- The Exorcist, Stir of Echoes, etc.  And then

> there's Milton stuffing Satan in the lowest level of hell encased in

> ice.


>   <http://imdb. com/title/ tt0164181/> And what is the least level of

> excitation if not absolute zero?


> 10 inches on the ground, can't see even a block down the street, wind

> howling, and no end in sight here.


> To me, it's a perfectly wondrous funereal shroud of white, and with

> one's master gone nothing else can be seen, and Vata's singing a final

> song.


> Edg





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