It's OK. You held off for three days, which must have been quite an
effort. I don't think you ever "got" MMY though. I never got any
impression of "sleaziness" about him. Quite the opposite, actually.
And watching the events currently going on in India reinforces my
feeling that this was indeed the passing of a great man. But I think
your feelings on the matter are sincerely held. I just wonder why TM
didn't do for you (I seem to remember seeing that you were initiated
once) what it did for so many people. My experience in the early years
with TM left no room for doubt; the technique was doing what I was
told it would do. That's why I've never cared much about the merits of
the TM research, one way or the other. I know what I experienced. 

--- In, Vaj <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> And "taste". My guess is that "putrid"--being outside the 6 "Vedic"  
> tastes somehow just sets me off. Or the utter abandon of the bardo.  
> Not sure which.
> (With all apologies to dear Feste).

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